Accommodation near Estoril Conference Centre (ECC)Below, you will find a map and list of possible accommodation near Estoril Conference Centre (ECC) including the walking distance from the hotel to the conference venue. We also recommend using websites like Booking.com or Hostelbookers. When using one of those booking websites, please define your search with the ECC address "Avenida Amaral. 2765-192 Estoril, Portugal" in order to find an accommodation near ECC. Please note that neither Copernicus nor the Local Organizing Committee is responsible for taking care of your accommodation. Each participant is expected to arrange his/her own accommodation. For special pricing please mention that you're attending the European Planetary Science Congress and present proof of attendance at check in. Thank you. Hotels near Estoril Conference Centre (ECC)Hotel Inglaterra (walking distance to ECC: 4 min.) Palácio Estoril Hotel Golf & Spa (walking distance to ECC: 5 min.) Vila Gale Estoril (walking distance to ECC: 5 min.) Hotel Alvorada (walking distance to ECC: 4 min.) Amazónia Estoril Hotel (walking distance to ECC: 7 min.) Hotel Sao Mamede (walking distance to ECC: 6 min.) Villa Unika Estoril (walking distance to ECC: 11 min.) SANA Estoril Hotel (walking distance to ECC: 5 min.) Hotel Saboia no Monte Estoril (walking distance to ECC: 20 min.) Hotel Londres (walking distance to ECC: 12 min.) Casa Londres (walking distance to ECC: 13 min.) Hotel Estoril Eden (walking distance to ECC: 21 min.) Hotel Cascais Miragem (walking distance to ECC: 21 min.)